An ordinary air purifiers operates with the help of a filter that is added to the filtration system and grabs the airborne bacteria and holds on to it. If you buy this kind of air purifiers then u need to replace the filters monthly or weekly which is quiet qostly. The filterless air purifiers is vice versa and come in many different models and types. This article will focus on a filterless air pufiers that use ozone to control odor, remove smoke, kill the bacteria and reduce mold source indoor pollution.

First of all, we will see what ozone is all about. Ozone is an enriched pure oxygen special form of oxygen where three oxygen atoms form one molecule of ozone (O3) whereas the 'normal' atmospheric oxygen is built up by only two atoms of oxygen (O2). This ozone occurs when an electrical charge, such as Lightning or corona discharge, molecularly disassociates a stable molecule (O2) and splits them apart leaving two unstable atoms (O1) of oxygen. Seeking stability, these atoms attach to other oxygen molecules (O1) creating ozone (O3). Filterless air purifiers that use the ozone system is using this ozone molecule to combine with odor molecule in the air order to neutralize it.

How this ozone filterless air purifiers work in terms of reduce mold source indoor pollution? The ozone filterless air purifiers unit will spread the ozone molecule into the polluted air. Ozone is a highly reactive oxidant. The third atom is limply attached and it can easily separates from the ozone molecule to combine with other substances. That’s how the ozone filterless air purifiers work. After some time, ozone can break up to oxygen, thus it is called environment matter. Now ozone is becoming widely used in both air and water purification and is used to oxidize odors such as Cooking Odors, Pet Odors, Garbage Odors, Cigarette Smoke Odors, Mold and Mildew Odors in Basements, Fire Damage Odors, Water Damage Odors, etc. It reacts readily with any chemical compound, both organic and inorganic, that is present in a reduced state.Therefore, ozone acts highly 'corrosive' to any compound that can be oxidized.

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